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Enilive oilproducts

Fluids that ensure the effective removal of engine heat and maximum protection of the cooling circuit.

Product characteristics

Eni Antifreeze Extra is an amine, phosphate and nitrite free engine coolant based on ethylene glycol. It contains a corrosion inhibitor package based on inorganic salts. It protects all metallic parts against corrosion and deposits in the cooling system.
Product code 001609
Name Eni Antifreeze Extra
Specifications and Approvals ASTM D 3306| CUNA NC 956-16 (ed. '12)
  Product profile
Eni Antifreeze Plus is a concentrated engine coolant based on ethylene glycol. It is amine, phosphate and nitrite free.
Product code 007938
Name Eni Antifreeze Plus
Specifications and Approvals ASTM D 3306| CUNA NC 956-16 (ed. '12)| VW TL 774C| MB 325.0| MAN 324 type NF| JIS K 2234:2006
  Product profile
For product Safety Data Sheets, please go to the Eni Safety Data Sheets site.