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Enilive oilproducts
The continuous technological advancement of machine tools and metal processing, together with the need to guarantee the environment protection and the respect of relevant regulations, have urged the Eni Research to develop new lines of metalworking lubricants that satisfy all these requirements.

Eni metalworking lines include:

- neat cutting oils:
             - Aster line: mineral oil based;
             - Fresia ESB: line ester oil  based;

- water miscible cutting oils:
             - Aquamet line

- stamping oils:
             - Alnus line

Neat Cutting Oils

  • Grinding, lapping and honing oils

  • Multifunction Oil

  • Cutting oils for medium-severe operations

  • EP cutting oils for severe operations

  • EP active cutting oils for severe operations

  • Biodegradable ester based cutting oils


Water miscible cutting oils

  • Cutting Oils with traslucent emulsion

  • Cutting oils with milky emulsion

  • Grinding Synthetic Fluids

  • Heavy-duty machinery cleaning Product


Metalforming oils

  • Chlorine free press-forming oils

  • Press-forming and drawing oils with chlorine

  • Rolling Oils