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Enilive oilproducts
Eni Rotra MP 80W-90 is an E.P. (Extreme Pressure) gear oil recommended for hypoid gears operating under severe conditions, and for very highly loaded gears in general, especially those subjected to dynamic loads. It is especially suited for axle drives with hypoid gears, which show very high loads, sliding contact and high temperatures. It can also be used in the gearboxes on cars and trucks, and in gearboxes, axles, final drives and power take-offs on farm and earth-moving machinery, and in general for all gears trains for which the manufacturer recommends an API GL-5 performance. It is also suitable for the lubrication of gearboxes in outboard engines and sterndrive systems.
Product code 001275
Name Eni Rotra MP 80W-90
Specifications and Approvals API GL-5| MIL L 2105 D| MAN 342 type M1| MAN 342 type M2 (Approved)| ZF TE-ML 05A, 12E (Approved)| ZF TE-ML 16B, 17B, 19B, 21A (Approved)| ZF TE-ML 07A, 08
  Product profile
For Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), please go to the Eni Safety Data Sheets site.