In januari 2023 kondigde Eni SpA de oprichting aan van Eni Sustainable Mobility, het bedrijf waarover Eni de volledige zeggenschap heeft en 100% van het aandelenkapitaal in handen heeft. Eni Benelux is een dochteronderneming van Eni Sustainable Mobility SpA, dat zich bezighoudt met bioraffinage, marketing en distributie van alle energiedragers voor mobiliteit. Het bedrijf neemt een unieke positie in als klantgerichte multi-energie en multi-service onderneming.

Last January 2023 Eni announced the incorporation of Eni Sustainable Mobility, the company wholly controlled by Eni, which holds 100% of its share capital.
Eni Benelux is a Subsidiary of Eni Sustainable Mobility SpA, which is engaged in biorefining, marketing and distribution of all energy carriers for mobility and uniquely positioned as a customer-focused multi-energy and multi-service business.
The establishment of Eni Sustainable Mobility reinforces Eni's commitment to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050, preparing it to reduce emissions from its operations (scope 1 and 2) and, as demand for fossil fuels decreases, also to eliminate the scope 3 component of carbon emissions over time by selling bio, green and blue products to its customers, identifying a distinctive model in the global energy sector.
Eni Sustainable Mobility develops bio-refining, biomethane and the sale of mobility products and services in Italy and abroad. The company incorporates existing bio-refining and biomethane assets, and a network of over 5,000 sales points in Europe to market and distribute a number of energy carriers, among them hydrogen and electricity, as well as fuels of organic origin including biomethane and HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil), in addition to other mobility products such as bitumen, lubricants and fuels. It also provides mobility-related services such as Enjoy car sharing, food services and many other services at sales points to meet the needs of end customers.
For further information please consult the following link:
Eni Benelux is a Subsidiary of Eni Sustainable Mobility SpA, which is engaged in biorefining, marketing and distribution of all energy carriers for mobility and uniquely positioned as a customer-focused multi-energy and multi-service business.
The establishment of Eni Sustainable Mobility reinforces Eni's commitment to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050, preparing it to reduce emissions from its operations (scope 1 and 2) and, as demand for fossil fuels decreases, also to eliminate the scope 3 component of carbon emissions over time by selling bio, green and blue products to its customers, identifying a distinctive model in the global energy sector.
Eni Sustainable Mobility develops bio-refining, biomethane and the sale of mobility products and services in Italy and abroad. The company incorporates existing bio-refining and biomethane assets, and a network of over 5,000 sales points in Europe to market and distribute a number of energy carriers, among them hydrogen and electricity, as well as fuels of organic origin including biomethane and HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil), in addition to other mobility products such as bitumen, lubricants and fuels. It also provides mobility-related services such as Enjoy car sharing, food services and many other services at sales points to meet the needs of end customers.
For further information please consult the following link:
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