Prolonging the life of your car
A good quality lubricant increases engine efficiency and extends its life considerably. Even if the car travels a few kilometres it is highly recommended to perform an oil change once a year. Besides the oil, it is also advisable to replace the oil filter at least every two changes. There is obviously a cost, but taking care of your car regularly, will significantly prolong its life.
Respecting the environment
The oil used in internal combustion engines becomes a hazardous waste. If disposed of incorrectly or used improperly, it can be highly polluting. If spilled on the ground, for example, it can reach the water table and pollute drinking water. If it is dispersed in water it will create a thin, impermeable film that prevents flora and fauna from breathing. Just to give you an idea of how damaging it can be, just 4 liters of used oil, the equivalent of an ordinary oil change for a car, if spilled into the sea would pollute an area the size of a football field.
A more efficient car
To function properly, an engine needs to be permanently lubricated. Lubrication reduces friction between moving parts and limits wear that can affect the engine. The lubricant also serves to cool the mechanical parts and to protect the internal surfaces from corrosion, as well as maintaining the cleanliness of the engine and facilitating the sealing of the piston rings. A properly maintained engine will give you optimum performance.
Bigger savings
The cost of an oil change will vary depending on the supplier but the range is roughly from €30 for a classic mineral oil to €50 for a synthetic oil. An oil change carried out at the correct time, along with constant maintenance, prevents damage from mechanical wear and other problems. Proper disposal is managed by the Consorzio Obbligatorio degli Olii Usati (COOU) (national consortium for spent oils) without cost to the motorist/biker. In almost 30 years the COOU has collected about 5 million tons of used lubricating oil. To find your nearest collection point go to